
Discover the benefits of hassle-free Splunk management

Elite Splunk Implementation Partner  

Even the most powerful heroes rely on a trusted companion, and Splunk is no different. Our team of certified Splunk professionals provides expertise in managed security service provider (MSSP), Splunk professionals on demand, and more.  

Unlocking Unmatched Cyber Resilience with  

Our focus is on delivering quality Horizon3 implementation services to help you gain a comprehensive understanding of your security landscape.
With Autonomous Penetration Testing as a Service (APTaaS) powered by NodeZero, we equip businesses with continuous, autonomous, cost-effective security assessments. Offer unparalleled cyber risk assessments, external pentests, vulnerability scanning, and virtual red team exercises.

Raise up your data initiatives with bitsIO's Databricks  

bitsIO offers expert Databricks services to simplify your data management and analytics. We offer quality implementation services to provide complete insight into your data, enabling you to set up monitoring and assessment for all your assets.